Memorial Day is this weekend and what better way to celebrate than with PIZZA. Although you don’t need a holiday to celebrate with this deliciousness. This crust is filling, slightly fluffy and has a nice crunch. The great thing is that you can make it the day or a couple days prior to when you’re going to eat it. That makes it a stress free meal.

Lots of times people are TERRIFIED when it comes to making bread. I’m here to tell you this one will not leave you with that uneasy feeling. What’s even better is that it’s only 5 ingredients!
- Flour (Bread or whole wheat pastry)
- Active Dry Yeast
- Sugar
- Salt
- Water

Before this Pandemic broke out I would use the yeast packets, I started to run low and went to buy more. The crazy thing is that everyone was thinking the same thing I guess. Who would’ve thought yeast and toilet paper would be quite the duo. Then I was on Costco’s website and realized they sold it for a great price. It’s 2 lbs and only cost around $6. Now that’s a lot of bread we would need to make with that amount of yeast, but did you know you can freeze it? If I buy the little jar over the packets I always refrigerate it to prolong the life, but I never tried freezing it. Now I think I’ll always buy it in bulk.
On to the good stuff…
When your dough ball is ready, cut in half to prepare for rising process (see pictures below)

I love to finish this recipe off with a sweet treat. Here are some great options to help curb your sweet tooth.
S’more Galore Brownies
Dad’s Favorite Oatmeal Cookies

If you give this recipe a try, make sure to rate it and comment below. My husband raves about this crust and I’m sure soon you will be too! Enjoy!!
Fluffy medium crust with a little crunch In your stand mixer or food processor combine flour, yeast, sugar and salt until incorporated. Add water to dry mixture. Ball will begin to form and may pull apart. Keep going for about 12-14 minutes until ball is formed and rolls around the bowl. Remove dough and knead a couple times by hand on a lightly floured surface. Split dough in half and place in a large gallon ziplock or large bowl to allow dough to rise overnight. Allow 1 1/2 to 2 hours for dough to rise prior to baking. Grab a large mixing bowl(s), lightly sprinkle flour on the inside. Grab refrigerated dough ball(s), remove from bag. Lightly stretch the dough and pinch it underneath itself a couple times. (Should remain in a round shape) Place dough in floured bowl(s) and let rise in unheated oven with light on for 1 1/2 to 2 hours until doubled in size. May require more or less time depending on humidity and temperature of your home. Remove dough and preheat oven to 425 degrees. Prepare pizza stone or cooking sheet with a light dusting of flour and cornmeal to help preventing sticking. Grab dough and lightly stretch to create the crust for you pizza. Place dough on cooking sheet and pinch outer rim to form a thicker crust. Place desired sauce and toppings on crust Cook for approximately 15 minutes.The Best Easy Pizza Crust